With view from the Makapuu Lighthouse hike last week. The light changes fast.
And from yesterday: "This building is closed. Still no heat." sign greeting voters (thanks to the lovely lady who drove me to the new venue - the kindness of strangers!), voting booth, and autumn leaves.
And from yesterday: "This building is closed. Still no heat." sign greeting voters (thanks to the lovely lady who drove me to the new venue - the kindness of strangers!), voting booth, and autumn leaves.

That's a big contrast, but it's nice to enjoy autumn and swimming in the same post!
Bonitas fotos, son lugares muy hermosos.
En cuanto a las elecciones en este momento ya se que ha ganado Obama.
Un saludo, Angel
What an amazing view, I have now decided my next holiday is Hawaii!
Great shots of the sea!
And the leaves are so colourful!
Thanks for sharing.
Hope you are having a fabulous week****
Beautiful photo, Lulu. I have never been on that hike. What a reward at the end of the trail. Neat that you added a bit about yesterday in Princeton....glad you got to vote ok. I voted too via postal ballot from Honolulu. Small world :).
Fabulous views.
Spectacular views Lulu, I wonder if you've checked out Cloudia's blog in Hawaii..it's called Comfort Spiral, she is lovely..I think it must be a wonderful place to live if you're after a more relaxed pace!
What a glorious view of Hawaii!
Your postcards are so so beautiful Lulu! The changing light created such gorgeous contrast... Your childhood home looks like heaven, I need to go someday :)
Amazing photos. That was so nice of them to give you a ride.
That is a gorgeous spot! I can see myself rapelling down that cliff...
Assuming, of course, that's allowed...
cieldequimper - thanks! Hope the contrast is OK for now (a 2nd storm is dumping snow here, Princeton is just not too good this week!)
asm - thank you! And with elections over, I hope the country can pull together in these difficult times!
Peter - thanks! I hope you make it there, I imagine there are parts of beautiful Australia that are similar:)
Mildred - thanks! I'm so glad we've still a few colorful leaves left:)
LOLfromPasa - thank you! I think you'd enjoy the hike. Also, so fabulous you got to vote via a Honolulu ballot, all the way from Coventry UK! I love it!
Valladolid - thank you!
PerthDailyPhoto - thanks! And thank you for the recommendation - so nice to learn of others with a link to the islands! My pace of living has changed for sure since leaving Hawaii:)
Duncan - thanks so much!
Catherine - thank you! I hope you make it there. I think you'd enjoy it a lot!
Randy - thanks! That woman was so nice to offer voters a ride. I need to pay it forward:)
William - thanks! Probably not allowed, but it certainly doesn't stop folks (my brother has done some crazy illegal hiking there:)
What a nice hike. I'll put that on my Hawaii to-do list! Also, what a cool voting booth!
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